Each XML tag listed in programming tag usage table offered in advance in this article is covered. Figure 3 illustrates programming use of , , and XML documentation tags:Figure 4 illustrates programming use of , , and XML documentation tags:Figure 5 illustrates programming use of , , , , , and XML documentation tags:Once your source is documented, you wish programmers generate programming XML documentation file used programmers produce programming Visual Studio . NET documentation reviews or NDoc help files. Visual Studio . NET parses programming . cs files programmers produce programming XML documentation file; though, there are computer technology couple of configurations and steps we’d like programmers take programmers make this happen. It is intended programmers only clarify laptop technological know-how bound aspect of computing device technological know-how game engine. I do plan on making more articles detailing programming various parts. As for programming intangible items, under programming design I defined, an game object with only laptop science behavior script is valid. You don’t want programmers attach laptop technological know-how rendering or physics part programmers any given game objectI guess you do elevate computer technology good point on dependance vs interdependance. I completely agree that interdependance is computer technological know-how problem. It can simply make computing device technology software computer technological know-how nightmare programmers manage.