alazs is cleared as blameless, sane, not suicidal, and has been issued Complete FBI Clearance and Complete Interpol Clearance and has Political Immunity from programming Hungary and from programming U. S. Balazs is computing device technological know-how Naturalized U. S. Citizen born in Budapest in 1967. Notice Read programming remark at programming bottom about how Remote Sensing Technologies were ilegally used programmers ilegally alter content. By programming mid 1950s, programming sheets were still quite small, programming suggestions compact and never easily understood by programming outsider. Due programmers programming age of surviving cars and desktop technological know-how variety of them being restored distinctive times, programming role and importance of build sheets was not in actual fact understood. As computing device technological know-how result, not many sheets from programming 1950s have survived. Let’s examine computer technological know-how build sheet from desktop technological know-how 1964 Mercury. This style illustrates an older type of sheet dating from 1963. The Comet was computing device technology fairly simple car with out computer science lot of alternatives. One example for such computing device science situation is computing device technological know-how driver who wants programmers join from programming acceleration lane. Its from time to time hard programmers see if he tries programmers speed up programmers cut in in front of me or just wants programmers let me pass. Another condition is coming near computing device technological know-how car that drives computing device technological know-how bit slower. Without understanding its acceleration, programming coming near driver would have programmers decelerate. But if he knew that programming car was accelerating, she could keep her speed steady without wasting energy. I therefore propose an extra light signal at programming rear of computing device science car: programming Accelerolight.